Alabai Dog And Its Types

Alabai dog

Alabai Dog And Its Types

About Alabai Dog

The Alabai dog is a breed of dog native to Mexico. It was first bred in the late 1800's and is known for its intelligence, loyalty, and affectionate nature. These dogs have been shown to be extremely loyal to their owners and are often considered family members. They are generally friendly towards strangers, but should never be left alone with children.

This is also Alabai dog is a breed of dog originating in Africa. Its name comes from its origins in Nigeria where it was bred to hunt bush pigs. The Alabai dog is known for being extremely loyal and affectionate towards their owners. They are also known for having a high prey drive and hunting instinct. Their coat is short and dense, making them ideal for hunting.

Types Of Alabia Dog

1. Alabai Hound

The Alabai hound is a breed of dog that originated in Nigeria. It is a small, agile, and fast-moving hunting dog. These dogs were originally bred to track down bush pigs and other game animals. Today, they are still used for hunting, but they are also trained to assist police officers and military personnel in search and rescue missions.

2. Alabai Terrier

The Alabai terrier is a breed of dog native to Nigeria. They have been around since ancient times and were originally bred to hunt bush pigs and other game. They are small, sturdy, and agile dogs that make great companions.

3. Alabai Spaniel

The Alabai spaniel is a breed of dog from Nigeria. They are small, agile, and energetic dogs that are highly intelligent and trainable. They are excellent hunters and are often used to help people find lost items.

4. Alabai Mastiff

The Alabai mastiff is a breed of dog indigenous to Nigeria. They are massive, powerful, and muscular dogs that were originally bred to protect villages from wild beasts. They are now used for guarding livestock and protecting homes.

6. Alabai Bulldog

The Alabai bulldog is a breed of dog developed in Nigeria. They are large, strong, and powerful dogs that were originally bred for protection and war. They are still used for these purposes today.

7. Alabai Cocker Spaniel

The Alabi cocker spaniel is a breed from Nigeria. They are playful, active, and energetic dogs that love to play fetch. They are also good watchdogs and are commonly used to guard farms and homes.

Buy Alabai Dog

TestifyKennel have all types of Alabai Dog Breeds available which cost around Rs. 95000, you can contact us to buy Alabai Dog